
I decided it's time I contribute a little bit more to the Geeklet, and I figured what a better way to start than by writing about one of the coolest things I've ever purchased: The Mangroomer!!! As some of you might already know, I've been blessed with very healthy hair folicals over my entire body. (There are others in our group of friends that have been equally blessed, by I won't rat them out here.) I'm not necissarily ashamed of the hair, in fact I feel like more of a man for it. Unfortunatly for me I wasn't born in the 70's when it was acceptible to show some hair, and thus have been forced to explore many hair removal methods.

My first attempts at hair removal involed shaving. With age this stopped working as I began to grow hair in areas that I could no longer reach. Shaving also gives you in-grown hairs and I've heard that it makes the hair grow in thicker.

There was also the Nair incident in college where I let some girls Nair my back. Again, this worked, but only with help. I could never look those girls in the eyes again.

Last year I tried waxing my back. Bad idea. It got rid of the hair for like 3 weeks, but I also broke out all over and couldn't go shirtless for two weeks. Net effect: I was hairless for one week, zitty for two. Not an acceptible trade off.

I've also tried some more expensive alternatives like laser surgery. This too did not work. It made the hair less thick, but I guess I was a little too manly for it. (At least that's what I like to tell myself.)

I was about to throw in the towel and accept my fate when I decided to do some research on the internet. I found a couple of crazy shaving contraptions that didn't seem very realistic, and then I stumbled on the the best invention ever: The Mangroomer!!!! You can purchase this thing from most local stores. It's basically an electric hair trimmer attached to an extendible arm. I take this thing to my back once I week and call it good. It's awsome and suggest anyone looking at getting rid of some unwanted hair pick one up.

Until hair comes back in style (which it will if I have anything to do with it,) I'm thankful for the Mangroomer!!!

P.S. if you make a post we won't assume you have hair issues.


Eric said...

That post was awesome. Ryan should be required to post once weekly. Also I have not yet needed the mangroomer since I have a kick ass barber that shaves my shoulders for me - my real trouble area. Also sometimes Laura Nairs them too.

Idaho Rob said...

I have hairy arms and legs but for some reason my chest and back are as bare as they come. I am thankful for this because it makes my muscles that much more visible...

Ryan said...

Eric, I thank you for your support and hope you your hair doesn't ever spread beyond your shoulder region. Rob, I'm also glad you made a comment, but I warn you - I wasn't always hairy. I'm convinced that the reason I'm so hairy today is because I made fun of a hairy guy once. What comes around goes around. This is one of the reasons I try not to make fun of anything anymore. I'd also like to say thanks for a little Normspiration I received in the He-Man post.

Nate said...

Wow Ryan, I feel like this post really came from your heart. You are such an inspiration to all of us.

Mr. Belvedeere said...

ryan, can you please shave in a face out of your chest hair (i'm seeing your nipples as eyes) but give the face a sweet mario (from mario bros) moustache and then post the pic. your chest is like a bare canvas and with the mangroomer you're picasso. ooh, could you also give the face huge eugene levy eyebrows?

Ryan said...

Norm, that's the best idea of heard in a long time. I'll get to work. Give me a few weeks.