
I have not the energy to write. Here is a cool video from the Failblog.


Kelly said...

hey, at least the camera wasn't scratched right? Was that a bum that he clocked in the head with his tire??

Ryan said...

Oh man!!! I didn't think the video was funny at all until that last part when the guy gets clocked on the head. I seriously spit all over the monitor and keyboard as I unexpectedly started laughing. Oh man that's good. I'm still laughing.

Megan said...

Whenever it is late at night and I am trying to go to sleep and I hear Ross downstairs laughing. Failblog videos and other random things are usually the culprit. Although I too find them extremely amusing, I blame them for his daily tardyness to work. Blast simple humor!

Idaho Rob said...

That was hilarious and it reminded me of Rad the 80s movie that the Jake introduced me to...

Mr. Belvedeere said...

lori loughlin never would have got a chance being on full house if it wasn't for her stellar performance on Rad.