
"Into the garbage chute flyboy!"- Leia

I have kind of lost interest in The Office, and 30 Rock just hasn't been fulfilling. Reruns of King of Queens are getting boring and even my favorite, The Family Guy, seems to be losing a little bit of its luster. There just doesn't seem to be much that is worth watching these days. Fortunately Cartoon Network has continued to produce a few shows that can keep me smiling.


Mr. Belvedeere said...

can you make a cartoon of that scooter ride we took in the middle of february that ended up in the steam room?

Idaho Rob said...

Nate, when are you gonna be syndicated?
When that happens I will start taking the paper.

Steph said...

I agree, nothing is very original anymore, it's all the same old shiz. You need to add me as a friend on your facebook cause I don't know which one is you. It's Stephanie Grose Smedley.

aminut said...

WOWsers your TV is almost as big as your couch---it's gotta feel like your actually IN the cartoon. And Brynn is made of sausage links? I hear ya on King of Queens. Hopefully by the time we get out of school there's new stuff all around.

Mr. Belvedeere said...

mmmmm, sausage links...
why don't you have any hair nate? how much have you changed since i've been away?

Anonymous said...

And the black haired girl... That is someone else too.